On March 3, 1928, during the DRT General Convention, Mrs. Clara Driscoll Sevier, President General, asked the Daughters assembled to bring young people into the organization to take an active part. A committee was set up to make plans to organize the children into chapters. Members of this DRT committee were Mrs. Joseph Carnal, San Antonio; Mrs. J. T. Cox, Austin; and Miss Bess Ferguson, Palestine.
During DRT Convention one year later, on March 1, 1929, the committee made the following motion, which carried: That the Daughters of the Republic of Texas sponsor the organization to be known as the Children of the Republic of Texas, such members to be subject to the Bylaws of our organization pertaining to membership and objectives and that a committee be appointed to further the same.
Our purpose is to encourage the study of Texas History, to help preserve the places made sacred by the men and women who achieved the Texas Independence; stimulate historical research into the earliest records of Texas; foster the preservation of documents and relics; promote the celebration of all Texas Honor Days; revere the Flag of Texas and promote the display of same; and to cherish and preserve TEXAS, ONE AND INDIVISIBLE, as achieved by the Fathers and Mothers of the Texas Revolution.